The Most Common Male Surgeries

Facial Rejuvenation

The technique we have developed after years of research which we have described in peer-reviewed medical journals, allows us to offer a facial rejuvenation procedure where the skin is repositioned to its natural youthful place in a manner that minimizes scaring. Our novel procedure integrated with Profiloplasty, a combination of different small facial surgeries result in a more balanced facial profile and a younger look. Link-Profiloplasty

Nose Rhinoplasty

Is a procedure where the nose is improved in appearance (cosmetic surgery), or where surgery is performed to restore the form and function of the nose (reconstructive surgery).


Is a procedure that helps eliminate and/or extract fat from areas where it has accumulated, and apply it to areas where it is needed. Commonly treated areas in men are around the abdomen, the flanks (´love handles´), the breast area (a condition called gynecomastia) and along the chin and neck.

Tummy Tuck

Is performed to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal area. It can also tighten weakened or separated muscles creating a smoother and firmer look. Even though this procedure is virtually identical for male and female patients there are several important differences : men seldom need an abdominal wall tightening; scars can be placed at slightly different areas due to differences in anatomy and undergarments, plus most men want a strong muscular look as a result.

Chest Implants

The purpose of Pectoral augmentation is to feature a strong chest, with well-defined pectoralis muscles and the absence of excessive breast tissue. This is obtained using pectoral implants and/or liposculpturing.